Posts tagged Commodities
CME - Soft Wheat Futures Roll Forecast

We are a few days into the Chicago SRW wheat futures (exchange symbol ZW) Z9-H0 roll period. Here are the key points for the ongoing roll: Forecast based on multifactor model is that the calendar spread will richen .75 ± 0.8 from 𝑡 = −20, which is the start of the roll period until 𝑡 = −5, which is the options expiration day of the near contract..

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Guest UserCommodities
CME - Corn Futures Roll Forecast

We are a few days into the Chicago Corn futures (exchange symbol ZC) Z9-H0 roll period. Here are the key points for the ongoing roll: Volatility in the calendar spreads during the roll periods is typically low, more so during the December roll periods…

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Guest UserCommodities